The Slot Game Development Process

A narrow notch, groove, or opening, as in a door, window, or slot in a wall.

A slot is a machine that spins reels with symbols, and then pays out prizes to players who land winning combinations on a payline. Online slot machines use a random number generator (RNG) to assign different odds for each symbol on each reel. This ensures that each spin is unique and prevents players from learning which symbols are more likely to appear on a payline.

The popularity of slot games has grown rapidly since moving online, with innovations happening all the time. 3D slot games, for example, are an innovative way to attract new players with interesting stories and characters. This approach also opens up new markets not available in traditional slots.

During this phase of the slot game development process, your artists should produce sketches and wireframes of your game. Sketches show how your game looks statically and help the team understand what needs to be improved for the final product. Wireframes complement the sketches by showing how the player interacts with the slot game.

After the initial design has been approved, your business should build a prototype or minimum viable product of the slot game. This should include the basic slot game mechanics, a few key features, and an interface that is easy to use. Once your prototype is ready, you should test it thoroughly to make sure that it works as intended.
