Writing About Poker


Poker is a card game in which players place bets against each other and the dealer. Each player starts the hand by placing an ante wager, usually equal to the amount they put into the pot in the previous round. They then look at their cards and determine whether to play a hand (a pair or better) or fold a weaker hand. Optimum strategy says that the player should play any hands greater than Queen, Six and Four, and fold all hands worse.

The player with the highest ranked hand wins the “pot” – all bets placed during that particular hand. The highest hand can consist of one of the following:

While poker involves a great deal of chance, it also has elements of skill and psychology. Depending on the strategy employed, a player’s betting behavior can have dramatic effects on other players’ decisions to call or raise his bets.

To make the most of your poker writing, focus on how your main character’s actions influence other characters’ reactions. Describe how their eyes widen in surprise when he makes a bold play, and how their hearts beat faster as they back away from him in fear. Using quick, descriptive language is crucial to creating tension in a scene. Keep in mind that it isn’t necessary to include all of the details of a specific poker hand, but it is important to make sure your description is clear enough to evoke a strong reaction from readers.
